摘要: 试验以黄河鲤(Cyprinus carpio)为研究对象, 以饲料中杜仲(Eucommia ulmoides)叶粉0添加组为对照组, 2%、4%、6%和8%添加组为实验组, 每组3个平行, 对黄河鲤[体重: (505.13±1.37) g]进行55d的投喂试验, 旨在探讨杜仲叶粉在黄河鲤饲料中的应用效果。结果表明: (1)黄河鲤背肌脂肪含量随饲料中杜仲叶粉添加量升高显著下降, 粗蛋白含量显著上升(P<0.05)。除6%添加组外, 鱼体粗灰分、粗蛋白和粗脂肪鲜重含量随杜仲叶粉添加量升高呈上升趋势(P<0.05), 鱼体鲜重水分含量呈显著下降趋势(P<0.05); (2)在黄河鲤肌肉中检出16种氨基酸, 杜仲叶粉添加显著影响肌肉中苏氨酸、丝氨酸和组氨酸含量(P<0.05)。酸味氨基酸总量与总氨基酸比值在2%添加组显著高于其他处理组, 药效氨基酸总量与总氨基酸比值则在2%添加组显著低于其他处理组(P<0.05); (3)黄河鲤血浆和肝脏中GSH-PX、MDA、AKP和ACP活性随饲料中杜仲叶粉添加量增加整体呈先升高后降低趋势, 血浆和肝脏中SOD活性呈显著上升趋势(P<0.05)。血浆GSH-PX活性和MDA含量在6%处理组显著最高(P<0.05), AKP活性在4%处理组、ACP活性在8%添加组显著最高(P<0.05), SOD活性至8%处理组升至对照水平。肝脏GSH-PX活性和MDA含量在4%处理组显著最高(P<0.05), AKP活性则在6%处理组显著最高(P<0.05), ACP活性在4%处理组显著升至最高后维持在此水平(P<0.05), 肝脏SOD活性至8%处理组显著高于其他处理组(P<0.05)。综上, 综合考虑鱼体肌肉和全鱼营养成分、肌肉氨基酸组成及血液和肝脏生理指标, 推荐黄河鲤成鱼饲料中杜仲叶粉添加量在4%—6%。Abstract: To study the effects of Eucommia ulmoides leaf powder on body composition, muscle amino acid composition, physiological indicators of yellow river carp, the Eucommia ulmoides leaf powder were added into the diet at the concentrations of 0, 2%, 4%, 6% and 8%. 225 individuals with an average weight of (505.13±1.37) g were selected and fed for 55 days. The experimental data showed that: (1) Fresh drosal muscle lipid content and fresh body moisture content decreased significant while fresh drosal muscle protein and fresh body contents of crud protein, crud lipid and crud ash were significant improved with the increasing of Eucommia ulmoides leaf powder (P<0.05). (2) 16 kinds of amino acids were detected in the muscle of yellow river carp. The fresh content of Thr, Ser and His were significantly affected by the adding of Eucommia ulmoides leaf powder. The ratio of total acidic amino acids to total amino acids was significantly higher while the ratio of total pharmacodynamic amino acids to total amino acids was significantly lower in the 2% treatment compared with others (P<0.05). (3) The activities of GSH-PX, ACP, AKP and MDA content in plasma and liver significantly increased to the highest level and then decreased with the increased addition of Eucommia ulmoides leaf powder. SOD activity of Plasma and liver increased significant according with the increasing Eucommia ulmoides leaf powder (P<0.05). In plasma, the activities of GSH-PX and content of MDA were all significantly higher in 6% treatment. AKP activity showed the highest in 4% treatment while ACP activity showed the highest in 8% treatment, respectively. SOD activity increased significantly to the control level at 8% treatment. In liver, GSH-PX activity and MDA content were the highest in 4% treatment (P<0.05). AKP activity and ACP activity were the highest in 6% treatment and 4% treatment respectively (P<0.05). SOD activity showed the highest at 8% treatment (P<0.05). In conclusion, according to the fish drosal muscle and body composition, muscle amino acid, antioxidant and non-specific immune indexes in plasma and liver, the recommended level of diet Eucommia ulmoides in yellow river carp should be at 4%—6%.
表 1 黄河鲤试验饲料配方及营养组成
Table 1. Formulation and nutrition composition of the experimental diet of yellow river carp
原料Ingredient 杜仲添加量Dietary of Eucommia ulmoides leaf powder 0 2% 4% 6% 8% 鱼粉Fish meal 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 豆粕Soybean meal 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 菜籽粕Rapeseed dregs 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 玉米蛋白粉Corn flour 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 面粉Flour 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 麦麸Wheat bran 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 杜仲Eucommia ulmoides 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 维生素矿物盐预混物Vitamin and mineral premix* 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 豆油Soybean oil 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 玉米油Corn oil 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 氯化胆碱Choline chloride 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 磷酸二氢钙Ca(H2PO4)2 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 营养组成Nutrition composition (%) 粗蛋白Crude protein 30.05 31.27 31.20 31.10 30.60 粗脂肪Crude lipid 5.96 5.71 5.97 6.83 7.27 粗灰分Crude ash 10.83 10.09 12.28 14.40 13.87 注: %干物质;*维生素矿物盐预混物购自广东德宁水产科技有限公司生产的鲤鱼复合预混合料(货号, Dn698)Note: % dry matter; *Vitamin and mineral premix was purchased from Guangdong Daynew Aquatic Sci-Tech Co, Ltd (item number: Dn698) 表 2 饲料中杜仲叶粉不同添加水平对黄河鲤生长性能和饲料利用的影响
Table 2. Effects of dietary of Eucommia ulmoides leaf powder on growth and feed utilization of yellow river carp
指标Index 杜仲添加量Dietary of Eucommia ulmoides leaf powder 0 2% 4% 6% 8% 增重率WGR (%) 39.60±3.76 34.54±6.54 30.95±5.00 35.52±5.44 34.64±2.69 特定生长率SGR (%/d) 0.69±0.06 0.61±0.10 0.56±0.08 0.63±0.08 0.62±0.04 饲料转化效率FCR (%) 78.56±7.27 66.00±10.81 61.74±9.95 74.70±6.49 73.17±4.41 注: 同行数据不同字母上标表示差异显著(P<0.05); mean±SE, n=3; 下同Note: Values in the same row with different superscripts are significantly different (P<0.05); mean±SE, n=3; The same applies below 表 3 饲料中杜仲叶粉不同添加水平对黄河鲤肌肉成分的影响
Table 3. Effects of dietary of Eucommia ulmoides leaf powder on muscle composition of yellow river carp
成分Composition 杜仲添加量Dietary of Eucommia ulmoides leaf powder 0 2% 4% 6% 8% 水分Moisture 78.48±0.10ab 78.65±0.09ab 78.69±0.14a 77.91±0.15b 78.74±0.19a 粗灰分Crude ash 1.30±0.02 1.30±0.03 1.31±0.01 1.38±0.03 1.33±0.02 粗脂肪Crude lipid 1.95±0.07a 1.65±0.05ab 1.35±0.08bc 1.25±0.18bc 1.08±0.05c 粗蛋白Crude protein 18.64±0.10b 18.56±0.23b 18.99±0.15ab 19.76±0.11a 19.05±0.08ab 注: %鲜物质基础; 下同Note: % wet-basis; The same applies below 表 4 饲料中杜仲叶粉不同添加水平对黄河鲤体成分的影响
Table 4. Effects of dietary of Eucommia ulmoides leaf powder on body composition of yellow river carp
成分Composition 杜仲添加量Dietary of Eucommia ulmoides leaf powder 0 2% 4% 6% 8% 水分Moisture 68.20±1.07a 64.90±0.61ab 62.18±1.05bc 67.18±0.64ab 58.52±2.88c 粗灰分Crude ash 4.32±0.19b 4.93±0.21ab 5.55±0.38ab 4.35±0.33b 6.18±0.64a 粗脂肪Crude lipid 6.22±0.41b 6.67±0.35b 7.66±0.58ab 6.17±0.05b 9.83±1.45a 粗蛋白Crude protein 18.76±1.10c 21.44±0.16abc 23.16±0.53ab 20.60±0.31bc 24.05±1.69a 表 5 不同杜仲叶粉添加水平对黄河鱼肌肉氨基酸组成的影响
Table 5. Effects of dietary of Eucommia ulmoides leaf powder on muscle amino acid composition of yellow river carpody
氨基酸种类Kinds of amino acid 杜仲添加量Dietary of Eucommia ulmoides leaf powder 0 2% 4% 6% 8% 总必需氨基酸TEAA 7.73±0.11 7.68±0.26 7.94±0.12 8.05±0.13 7.79±0.09 苏氨酸Thr 0.82±0.01b 0.86±0.03ab 0.89±0.02a 0.89±0.02a 0.85±0.01ab 缬氨酸Val 0.94±0.01 0.91±0.03 0.92±0.01 0.94±0.01 0.91±0.01 蛋氨酸Met 0.61±0.01 0.60±0.03 0.65±0.02 0.65±0.01 0.62±0.01 异亮氨酸Ile 0.89±0.02 0.87±0.03 0.89±0.01 0.92±0.01 0.89±0.01 亮氨酸Leu 1.57±0.03 1.56±0.06 1.63±0.02 1.65±0.03 1.60±0.02 苯丙氨酸Phe 0.92±0.01 0.90±0.03 0.92±0.02 0.94±0.02 0.91±0.01 赖氨酸Lys 1.98±0.04 1.97±0.07 2.03±0.02 2.07±0.04 2.01±0.02 总非必需氨基酸TNEAA 11.06±0.24 11.14±0.31 11.45±0.15 11.48±0.15 11.11±0.10 组氨酸His 0.65±0.01cd 0.73±0.01a 0.69±0.01b 0.68±0.01bc 0.63±0.01d 精氨酸Arg 1.22±0.03 1.21±0.04 1.27±0.01 1.30±0.03 1.25±0.02 天冬氨酸Asp 2.00±0.04 1.98±0.06 2.04±0.03 2.07±0.03 2.00±0.02 丝氨酸Ser 0.70±0.02b 0.74±0.03ab 0.78±0.02a 0.76±0.01ab 0.71±0.01b 谷氨酸Glu 3.08±0.09 3.10±0.12 3.19±0.04 3.20±0.06 3.12±0.04 甘氨酸Gly 0.91±0.02 0.89±0.01 0.91±0.01 0.91±0.01 0.90±0.00 丙氨酸Ala 1.19±0.02 1.17±0.03 1.20±0.02 1.23±0.02 1.18±0.01 酪氨酸Tyr 0.72±0.02 0.74±0.03 0.78±0.02 0.76±0.01 0.74±0.01 脯氨酸Pro 0.60±0.02 0.58±0.00 0.58±0.01 0.58±0.01 0.56±0.01 总氨基酸TAA 18.79±0.36 18.82±0.57 19.39±0.27 19.54±0.28 18.90±0.19 总必需氨基酸/总氨基酸TEAA/TAA 41.16±0.18 40.79±0.17 40.93±0.08 41.22±0.11 41.21±0.04 总非必需氨基酸/总氨基酸TNEAA/TAA 58.84±0.18 59.21±0.17 59.07±0.08 58.78±0.11 58.79±0.04 表 6 不同杜仲叶粉添加水平对黄河鱼肌肉中功能氨基酸含量的影响
Table 6. Effects of dietary of Eucommia ulmoides leaf powder on function amino acid composition of yellow river carp muscle
氨基酸分类Classify of amino acid 杜仲添加量Dietary of Eucommia ulmoides leaf powder 0 2% 4% 6% 8% 呈味氨基酸Flavor amino acid Gly, Ala, Pro, Thr, Ser, Lys, Glu, Phe, Arg, Ile, Val, Leu, Met, His, Asp 18.07±0.34 18.08±0.54 18.61±0.24 18.77±0.28 18.16±0.18 甜味氨基酸Sweetness amino acid Gly, Ala, Pro, Thr, Ser, Lys, Glu 9.28±0.20 9.30±0.27 9.58±0.13 9.64±0.14 9.34±0.09 苦味氨基酸Bitterness amino acid Phe, Arg, Ile, Val, Leu, Met, His 6.79±0.11 6.80±0.20 6.98±0.08 7.07±0.11 6.81±0.06 酸味氨基酸Tartness amino acid His, Asp, Glu 5.73±0.12 5.82±0.18 5.92±0.07 5.95±0.09 5.76±0.06 鲜味氨基酸Umami amino acid Asp, Glu 5.08±0.13 5.08±0.18 5.23±0.07 5.27±0.09 5.13±0.06 药效氨基酸Drug-effective amino acid Gly, Lys, Glu, Leu, Met, Phe, Tyr, Asp, Arg 13.01±0.29 12.96±0.43 13.43±0.19 13.56±0.21 13.16±0.15 表 7 不同杜仲叶粉添加水平对黄河鲤肌肉中各功能氨基酸含量占肌肉总氨基酸百分比的影响
Table 7. Effects of dietary of Eucommia ulmoides leaf powder on the rate of function amino acid to total amino acid of yellow river carp muscle
氨基酸分类Classify of amino acid 杜仲添加量Dietary of Eucommia ulmoides leaf powder 0 2% 4% 6% 8% 呈味氨基酸Flavor amino acid 甜味氨基酸Sweetness amino acid 49.36±0.15 49.45±0.07 49.44±0.01 49.34±0.06 49.43±0.03 苦味氨基酸Bitterness amino acid 36.15±0.14 36.12±0.04 36.00±0.09 36.17±0.04 36.04±0.03 酸味氨基酸Tartness amino acid 30.47±0.07b 30.91±0.14a 30.55±0.08b 30.44±0.05b 30.47±0.02b 鲜味氨基酸Umami amino acid 27.04±0.18 27.01±0.18 26.97±0.04 26.97±0.11 27.12±0.08 药效氨基酸Drug-effective amino acid 69.24±0.21ab 68.86±0.18b 69.26±0.05ab 69.39±0.10a 69.62±0.09a 表 8 饲料中不同添加水平杜仲叶粉对黄河鲤血浆生理指标的影响
Table 8. Effects of dietary of Eucommia ulmoides leaf powder on plasma physiological indexes of yellow river carp
指标Index 杜仲添加量Dietary of Eucommia ulmoides leaf powder 0 2% 4% 6% 8% 谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶GSH-PX (U/mL) 178.67±9.40b 136.67±26.03b 254.00±50.00b 385.00±45.00a 210.00±62.00b 超氧化物歧化酶SOD (U/mL) 3.19±0.16a 2.38±0.21b 2.76±0.16ab 2.99±0.02a 3.26±0.08a 丙二醛MDA (nmol/mL) 3.10±0.12b 3.27±0.25b 3.35±0.27b 4.17±0.43a 3.48±0.25ab 碱性磷酸酶AKP (U/mg prot) 1.69±0.11b 4.56±0.46a 5.35±0.69a 1.47±0.19b 1.11±0.11b 酸性磷酸酶ACP (U/mg prot) 4.03±0.46b 4.22±0.22b 3.73±0.47b 3.86±0.32b 14.87±1.24a 表 9 饲料中杜仲叶粉不同添加水平对黄河鲤肝脏生理指标的影响
Table 9. Effects of dietary of Eucommia ulmoides leaf powder on liver physiological indexes of yellow river carp
指标Index 杜仲添加量Dietary of Eucommia ulmoides leaf powder 0 2% 4% 6% 8% 谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶GSH-PX (U/mg prot) 18.60±1.60bc 22.55±1.50b 28.39±1.96a 16.67±0.46c 21.30±2.23bc 超氧化物歧化酶SOD (U/mg prot) 39.39±0.46bc 38.05±0.31c 39.34±0.66bc 40.76±0.68b 42.61±0.37a 丙二醛MDA (nmol/mg prot) 0.71±0.05c 1.01±0.09c 2.72±0.27a 2.07±0.21b 1.59±0.16b 碱性磷酸酶AKP (U/mg prot) 12.52±0.97b 10.97±0.55b 14.01±1.17b 22.58±1.50a 12.98±1.87b 酸性磷酸酶ACP (U/mg prot) 133.00±5.24b 117.75±7.66b 221.56±10.94a 238.51±14.45a 223.35±16.37a -
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