Seasonal Variation of Mesoscale Eddy Activity in the Southern Ocean
摘要: 【目的】了解南大洋中尺度涡的活动规律。【方法】利用AVISO提供的1993—2020年中尺度涡轨迹数据集META3.2DT,通过合成分析和能量分析,探讨南大洋寿命为30 d以上中尺度涡出现数(EON)的季节变化及动力机制。【结果和结论】南大洋EON存在显著季节变化,即夏季多(2月达到最大值)春季少(9月达到最小值),且与涡动能季节变化紧密相关。涡旋的振幅、转速和强度呈现出与EON大致相反的季节变化,即春季大夏季小。合成分析表明,风场的季节变化引起“涡旋消亡”强度的变化,进而影响EON季节变化。能量分析表明,EON季节变化受正压不稳定的调控。Abstract: 【Objective】The seasonal variation of mesoscale eddy and its associated dynamic mechanism in the Southern Ocean (SO) were studied.【Method】Based on the mesoscale eddy trajectory dataset META3.2DT during 1993―2020 provided by AVISO, the seasonal variation and its associated dynamic mechanism of eddy occurrence number (EON) with eddy lifespan longer than 30 d in the SO are discussed through composite analysis and energetics analysis.【Result and Conclusion】EON in the SO exhibits obvious seasonal variation, big in summer (with maximum in February) and small in Spring (with minimum in September). The seasonal variation of EON is closely related to that of eddy kinetic energy (EKE), which is strong in summer and weak in winter. Moreover, the amplitude, rotational speed and intensity of the eddies show a seasonal variation pattern opposite to that of the EON, i.e., larger in spring and smaller in summer. Composite analysis shows that the seasonal variation of wind influences the speed of "eddy killing", and affects the seasonal variation of the EON. Energetics analysis shows that the seasonal variation of EON is also modulated by the barotropic instability.
Key words:
- mesoscale eddies /
- seasonal variation /
- eddy activity /
- the Southern Ocean /
- eddy kinetic energy
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